christopher benner, arnp
nurse practitioner, richland office

Christopher Benner is a Nurse Practitioner specializing in General Practice, Occupational Medicine and Urgent Care. He received his Bachelors Degree in Nursing through Washington State University in 1999 and worked as a RN in the Emergency Department and as a Public Health Nurse before moving on to pursue further opportunities as a Nurse Practitioner.
Christopher graduated with his Masters Degree in Nursing from Gonzaga University in 2005 through the Family Nurse Practitioner Program. He has been working in Occupational Medicine and Urgent Care as a medical provider for over ten years now. Mr. Benner is listed as a “Best Practice” provider for Washington State Labor and Industries medical providers. He also works with the Washington State University DNP Family Nurse Practitioner Program as a Clinical Site Evaluator for the students in that program.
Christopher chose to go into nursing because of a desire to help others and serve in many different roles. Nursing provides opportunities to work with patients directly and to be a teacher and facilitator of change. Joining Total Care Clinics has allowed him to continue working with patients and teaching within an outstanding clinic setting.
Christopher is married to his wife, Tonya. Together, they have three children. He is a long-time Seahawks fan with many treks to Century Link field under his belt over the years to laugh, cry, shout and be a devout 12 for life.