labor & industries injury claims
Throughout the region, there are very few primary care or family practices that accept L&I Workplace Injury Claims. Not only do we accept these cases, we provide our patients with the peace of mind through quality care; It is a part of providing TOTAL care. If you are not yet part of our family of patients, it is important that you find a provider who understands the nature and complexity of your injury and the necessary treatment.
The Total Care staff has a lengthy emergency medicine background which allows us to understand the initial ER care you received for your injury and seamlessly continue your care...for both simple and complex cases. We organize a team approach with chiropractic care, physical therapy, massage, and care from appropriate specialists, all with the goal of providing the highest level and care so your recovery is as short as possible. We also become your advocate with your employer and with your state or private insurance to make sure you are afforded all necessary care and that an appropriate amount of time is provided for your rehabilitation.