Motor Vehicle Accidents: What you need to know about your care
If you are in a Motor Vehicle Accident, your primary concern AND ours is that your healthcare needs are addressed. In the midst of this...

Tri-Cities Family Practice and Injury Management Clinic opens second location in Walla Walla
Kennewick clinic brings accessible healthcare solutions to the Walla Walla Valley that include conditions commonly addresses by...

Peace of Mind
How much is peace of mind worth? How much is it worth investing in financially? How much is it worth investing in financially when it...

8 Steps to Avoid Your Doctor
(Tyler Christensen is a Nurse Practitioner at Total Care Clinics. In some of his own personal inspirational reading, he came across a...

Family Practice….takes PRACTICE
When it comes to your healthcare, you are in one of 3 categories. Those categories will determine how you view your healthcare experience...

So I’m Hormonal. So deal with it! (OK, we will)
At many points in our lives, we step back and evaluate balance. We look at the balance of our work hours vs. our family time, our...